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  • The Makerspace is wheelchair accessible, with a ramp leading to the front entrance and an elevator located at the back entrance.
  • There are several handicapped accessible restrooms in the building, including one in the central stairwell of the basement. Please note that these restrooms are locked with a Euro key and there is no separate key available in the Makerspace.
  • Showers are available in the basement locker rooms, but these are not built to be handicapped accessible. However, we are happy to assist in any way we can to make these facilities accessible to all visitors.
  • If you have any specific accessibility needs or require assistance during your visit, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are happy to provide any help we can to ensure that your visit is as enjoyable and accessible as possible.
  • We welcome any form of feedback especially on accessibility. Feel free to give us feedback if you notice something on our website that we can do better!

Accessible work tools?

We are committed to providing accessible work equipment and aids for our project participants. Our project budget includes funds for accessibility tools such as screen readers, special furniture, magnifying glasses, and special tools. However, we want to ensure that we are spending these funds effectively and according to need.

After consulting with the inclusion experts at AKAFÖ, we have decided to allocate these funds based on specific requests and needs rather than speculating on what might be needed. We encourage project participants to come to us with suggestions for what they need to work effectively and comfortably. We are happy to work with you to find appropriate solutions and provide necessary accommodations.

Please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you require accessible work tools or have suggestions for improving accessibility within our project. We value your input and are committed to ensuring that all participants can work comfortably and effectively.

Last update: 2023-06-05 / Created: 2023-06-05

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