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Partners of the RUB Makerspace

We work in various contexts with a variety of organizations and are always open and looking for new collaborations. On this page you will find a selection of our partners.

The Ruhr University Bochum

The RUB is basically not a partner, it is our home. We are an integral part of the university and we would like to thank all the actors at RUB who have been committed to innovative, action-oriented teaching, research and transfer for many years and who have made places and projects like the RUB Makerspace possible in the first place. At RUB, we are part of the university administration, are part of the Worldfactory (more at organization) and work together with various actors from research, teaching, technology and administration as well as the student body.

Project Partners

State of NRW

Just like Bochum, NRW is also our home. It is not only our home that connects us to the state - we also receive significant support from it. The vast majority of the funding required to build the large RUB Makerspace comes from the state and flows within the framework of the funding initiative 'Excellent Start-up Center.NRW'.

The Worldfactory / Transfer at the RUB

The Worldfactory is responsible for transfer and start-up support at RUB. On the one hand, the Makerspace is part of the infrastructures offered by the Worldfactory for start-up and transfer support. On the other hand, we cooperate with different sub-projects of the Worldfactory in workshops, summer schools, consulting or otherwise - for example with FACE@RUB (Female Academic Entrepreneurs), the central start-up consulting of the RUB or the economic development of the city of Bochum.


The label "UniverCity" stands for the association of all seven universities represented in Bochum, two non-university research institutions and other partners. We are also involved in this network and strengthen Bochum as a center of knowledge.

The Ruhr Area Universities

Through the MentorInn project, we work in particular with the University of Duisburg-Essen and the TU Dortmund University. But also with the other universities in the Ruhr area, e.g. the Bochum University of Applied Sciences, we come together again and again in projects and also in everyday life.


Due to tax and funding laws, we are unfortunately not allowed to comment on or link to many details of our donors here. Legally, this is more than understandable, but in terms of content it is a pity - because these people and organizations support us because they believe in the cause. This deserves respect and great appreciation! We therefore thank from the bottom of our hearts

  • the Stiftergemeinschaft der Sparkasse Vest Recklinghausen for their great support of our project "Maker in Residence", through which innovative multipliers can be brought to the Ruhr area.
  • the company Ingpuls for not keeping a well-deserved prize money but donating it to the Makerspace.

Veröffentlichungsdatum: 20. Dezember 2022.
Autor*innen: Leitung RUB-Makerspace, Universitätsverwaltung

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